
Showing posts from August, 2020


To listen to the spoken version of this post, please click   HERE A strange subject for a blog perhaps, but there's no escaping it... 😉 It so happens that today is the 29th anniversary of my first lover's death - someone who fell foul of the plague that was doing the rounds then: HIV/Aids. Nowadays this is relatively controllable with modern drugs, but back in the late '80s it was more-or-less a death sentence. That set me musing about his funeral - a lot of people I didn't know (we'd parted ways back in the '70s altho remained best of friends to the end) and a very emotional event, with people standing up to say a few words and being quite unable to do so. In general, I am not a lover of funerals and the events that surround them, but an elderly cousin's 'seeing-off' was a wonderful event, in that she'd left very precise instructions to her family (in a little black box). There was much humour in it (as well as sadness of course) and the younge...


To hear the spoken version of this post, click   HERE My most prominent line of thought at the moment is what will my next project be? Having already made four pairs of trousers (three of them historically inspired), four shirts - two of which were totally hand sewn - and a rain jacket (note to self: I do NOT like working with nylon fabric!!), where next? Having been watching far too many 'YouTubes' this last few months, many of them to do with sewing period dress, I have elected to go for a man's banyan - a form of dressing gown, or house coat for the uninitiated. The internet led me to a  wonderful site by a lady calling herself Mlle Canadienne *  and indeed it was her fine blog that got me started on this one so, thank mademoiselle 😀 I am at the awkward stage of trying to source the right fabric now- silk brocade would be nice... but beyond my means! But thank goodness for the internet - and Etsy 😉 More to follow... *


You can find the spoken version   here Wow, it's ages since I ran a blog! I've done them before over the years, but they inevitably run out of steam (my baking blog) or just end naturally (my 2007 holiday blog). Anyway, too much time on my hands in these plague-ridden times calls for radical action... The blog will be odd jottings and musings about 'this and that' -  things I find interesting, amusing, even irritating,mostly related to my interests...