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Having already made four pairs of trousers (three of them historically inspired), four shirts - two of which were totally hand sewn - and a rain jacket (note to self: I do NOT like working with nylon fabric!!), where next?
Having been watching far too many 'YouTubes' this last few months, many of them to do with sewing period dress, I have elected to go for a man's banyan - a form of dressing gown, or house coat for the uninitiated. The internet led me to a wonderful site by a lady calling herself Mlle Canadienne * and indeed it was her fine blog that got me started on this one so, thank mademoiselle 😀
I am at the awkward stage of trying to source the right fabric now- silk brocade would be nice... but beyond my means! But thank goodness for the internet - and Etsy 😉
More to follow...