ON THE WAY TO A NEW 'ME' 02/10/20

Should you by chance wish to listen to the spoken version of this little ramble, please click right  HERE

My pattern from Bootstrap Fashion duly came through - 40-odd A4 pages of actual pattern pieces, plus nearly 50 of very clear, detailed instructions.
My poor laser printer had smoke coming out of it like some mad cartoon character... Tip to self (and others): next time give the poor beast a few breaks in the printing process!!
A lot of yesterday was spent trimming and taping all the pieces together on my friendly fabric shop's cutting out table; it is quite amazing just how long that takes.
Cutting the fabric itself out was quite straight forward, except that I wanted the pattern to match at the centre front and back seams. A mind-bending challenge where this rather wonderful Chatham Glyn 'Zig Zag' fabric was concerned...
The stuffing took a certain amount of thought - and thank goodness for Mr Google (generally not my favourite person): I have settled on some animal bedding made from tea-bag paper offcuts. The manufacturers make a point of saying there's no actual tea in amongst it! A bale should arrive on my doorstep later this morning...
Was very glad to have a mid-morning coffee break with my good friend Meg - complete with home-made scones and sunshine. We always chat loads, about all sorts of subjects, and it was good to be able to bounce some ideas off her regarding an upcoming blog post...
Today's music is rather severe (matches the weather): Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant Jesus by Olivier Messiaen. For music written in 1944, it still sounds amazingly modern...
Finally - as they say on YouTube channels - if you enjoy my ramblings, please hit the 'subscribe' tab somewhere at the top of the page to get notifications of when I ramble on still further {;-)  and of course if you feel inspired to leave a comment, please feel free to do so.


sarah dare said…
Love the zig zag fabric. You must have enless patience!
Adam Watson said…
Ha ha... either that, or I'm bonkers... 😉

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