CATS... 28th November 2021
Not sure whether I'll do an audio clip for this post - it's so short...
Well, not to beat about the bush, Benny is now gambolling about the clouds with his ancesters. A sad day in some ways, but it's the down-side of owning a pet: the time will come when he, she or it will need euthanising and it's just a process one has to go through. That said, he's been a (mostly) very faithful companion who did, eventually understand that he was not to bring me little presents and was to eat his snacks OUTside!
So now it's just Merlin and me... It's nice to be able to allow him the whole house (bar my bedroom!) although I am still not allowing him out - that will probably have to wait till around or after Christmas-time. We shall see....... In the mean time, he's very keen to be near me - more than before? that's hard to say, but he really does not like me being the wrong side of a door (in his view) and 'creates' accordingly! He's been here since the 7th September and I am still not quite used to the alternating bouts of sheer, phrenetic energy where he dashes all over the place and the contrasting purry fluff-ball that curls up fast asleep on the front shelf so thoughtfully provided by my embonpoint; often inside my cardigan - altho he's getting a little big for that these days...