TIDYING UP... REALLY???!! 17/10/20
For the spoken blog click HERE
Well now, I've been having a lovely time tidying up <cough> The craft/dining table is a little clearer: there is at least now a small space at the end of the table for one person to eat!
I did indeed finish up three unfinished projects, but... then... I got sort of side-tracked by an idea for a Christmas card. "What???" I hear youi cry "but Adam you've not sent out a Christmas card in years!" and, of course, you'd be right. But 2020 has been such a desperately strange year that I feel desperately strange measures are called for.
Needless to say, what started out as a very simple idea employing a glue gun, has become rather a production number, with a lot of hand sewing; a lot slower perhaps, but a lot cleaner and more precise that said glue gun. I've pretty much finished the applique elements and now 'just' need to brush up my calligraphy skills: there'll be about thirty cards to write up. I'll post a few photos in due course but probably not till December.
Then, this morning, I decided it was time to sort out my sewing patterns (I have about seventy-five of them) as the Waitrose bag they were in before was bursting at the seams.
Finally, my good friend Grant has inspired me to make a spoken version of my blog, partly for those people who prefer to listen, rather than read, but also for any potential followers who are visually impaired. It took me quite a while to find a good site to both record and host my mutterings, but Anchor.fm seems to be just the ticket.
I'm actually rather pleased and rather enjoying my 'vocalisings' as I call them - and truly vocalising in the background today is the wonderful Sumi Jo.
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