To listen to the spoken version, please clickety-poo HERE I am super-excited, in that all my pattern pieces are now cut out for the banyan... BUT... before going any further, it's time for an interlude: There's been a lot of chat on the YouTube costuming vlogs about dress forms. This in particular from the more... shall we say 'generously upholstered'... ladies. Being decidedly generously upholstered myself these days, I have been yearning for an oversized male mannequin for quite some time - but mannequins of any sort - any decent sort - cost several arms and legs (perhaps that's why dress forms are always only torsos? Ha ha). In any event, 'armless fun aside, it would be very useful for my banyan project. It seems there's an enterprising American company called Bootstrap Fashion to whom you send your vital statistics and notes on general body shape and they email you back a pdf of custom pattern pieces for your body... all for $24 - well, tha...